Friday, June 20, 2008

July 4th Decorating Already?! Yep!

I was inspired by the new blog I found, "The Cottage", I changed my version of it a little bit though. I couldn't find a robins egg blue star so I painted one I already had. Excuse the chairs, they are in need of new seat cushions and paint. Also when I was at Marshall's I found some teacups and coffee cups, I thought they were so pretty. The teacups look antique don't you think? I hope everyone has a good weekend!



Oh how sweet!!! I just knew that you would get around to giving us something pretty to look at in your home today! A big thank you for sharing!


The Vintage Vagablonde said...

Those coffee cups are sooo pretty.
I could really use a dose of caffeine right now!

Miss Gracie's House said...

With the way time "flies" these days-no, you are not too early to decorate for the 4th! I checked out that site-they did have some nice primitives! I love that pink mixer-too bad I bought mine before I was soo into shabby-it's just plain white! I also think that header with hooks under your wall cabinets is very cute!

candy said...

I love it :)

~Becca~Bluebird Rose said...

How pretty!
Last night, I dreamt I put up our Christmas tree already! LOL! So 4th of July decor seems very reasonable to me after that! :)

Kelly said...

Love the blue star...very pretty. I also love your dining set!! Isn't Marshall's wonderful??

Thanks for sharing that blog, I simply must check it out. There is so much inspiration out in blogland.


Anonymous said...

I just love the 4th of July. I have little flag lights that I string across my front porch, have been asking hubby now for 2 weeks to put them up, maybe tomorrow is the day. Love the blue star. I painted one pink but now I think I am going to paint it aqua.


Connie said...

Ooooh, sweet Florida chick, I have a passion for decorating, pink, roses, shabby and humor!! A dangerous combination to be sure! Just adorable!! I think I'll go find a star and paint it PINK like you painted yours BLUE!! Whoooooaaa, my sweet buttercup, that dining room is just toooo adorable.......
Smoochies and come over and visit,

Anonymous said...

Ohhh how Festive Looking! Your stars are great and I don't think it's too early, at all, for some holiday decor! Thanks so much for sharing... God Bless...


Unknown said...

Funny that Marshall's is a great buy for our treasures!

Cynthia's Cottage Design said...

It looks Fabulous! I love the Dining room and the cups too and everything!, you did a Beautiful Job!! Happy 4th early :)

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful dining room I looove the furniture and your blog! Thank you for info on other blog!
Denise Nantasket Beach Mass. tiden som hjälp-Linda said...

You have a VERY beautiful home. So romantic!!!! Lovely!//Linda, North of Sweden

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly,
Happy Sunday! Now where oh where are those kitchen pictures???


Seawashed said...

I came across your blog through Rene at Gracie's House. What a lovely cottage you have. It is so Shabby Chic. The colors and lighting of your cottage are so pretty. I LOVE the robin's egg blue star!!! That is the color I have in Sea Cottage and have been using it for 4th of July decorating too. I will enjoy visiting here again and again.

Gail said...

Hi Kelly! Thank you for stopping by my blog! I love your blog! Everything is so pretty! I am going to add you to my favorite blogs! Visit again soon! Hugs ~ Gail :)

Seawashed said...

P.S...I was reading some of your past posts and saw your new sofa & chair from IKEA...IKEA is my hubby & I's favorite place to go. We actually go on dates there! We have two white slip covered sofa's in our living room and are waiting to get the chair with ottoman. My daughter has a iron day bed with matching side table and mirror from IKEA too. I do love the price and all the slip cover choices!

Jackie said...

Love the stars! Walls look great, don't worry about the chairs, Kelly, they look fine.....Hard to believe less than 1 1/2 wks, and we'll be doing fireworks!
Hope your weekend was great!

Unknown said...

I just had to tell you, I am so in love with your home! Everything is so beautiful! We have a lot of the same likes! Just beautiful, You do a wonderful job!


3CHEERS4MOM said...

I love the 4th; I think I am going to line my sidewalk with flags this weekend.
I would love to learn more about your camper, I have just become obsessed with these little beauties. And yours looks so cute. I would love to learn more about it. If you read my blog, under about me, it will explain a little more. -Cheers, Amy