Saturday, September 13, 2008

I Had To Change My Blog!

I am not getting anywhere with whatever I have done to my blog so I created a new one I guess I will have to start over again since I can no longer access the "Layout"button on my original blog. I really don't know what happened but you can't do anything with it without using the layout button. I think from now on I will just keep it simple that is good enough for me, I hope that everyone finds me or I will really miss all my friends! I will be adding everyone back on my fav's as soon as I can. You will still be able to look at all my pictures and previous posts on this blog, I will just have to add new ones to my new blog.


Mary said...

Kelly, I didn't lose you. I have you in my blog reader. I am so sorry you lost your original. I would try to help if I could but I am not that blog savvy! Hope it all works out and maybe someone will be able to help you.

Good Luck!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly,
I am adding you right now. Call me if you need me.


Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Hi, I am changing your blog site on my favorites. The new blog looks nice.
I don't know how, but I bet there is a way to transfer or copy your past posts somehow. Somebody probably will know if you want to.
Have a good weekend and try to de-stress after all this blogging thing!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly,
I can't find your new blog......


Sue said...

Hi Kelly,
I just clicked on my link to you from my list of blogs and came right to you. Geeez, this blogger thing is so fun but can be frustrating, I feel your pain. For a while I've been seeing a lot of blogs with their favorites listed with their most current posts and have wanted to try it but am to affraid to loose everything.
Hang in there we will all find you and you will get this figured out.

Kim's Cottage said...

Bless your heart. I know how frustrating it is. I've had some doozies with my blogs too. I've been considering switching to minima template but haven't done it for fear of having this exact same thing happen to me.

I will go add your new one to my list right now.


joanie said...

Hi, Kelly. Wish I could help you but a don't know enough about how these things work. Glad I didn't lose your site, however. Hang in there. Your friends will find you.

The Vintage Vagablonde said...

I can see everything now~lol. Poor thing! That is why I leave that stuff to the experts..I would end up deleting my whole blog.
Hope your week is good so far and I am so glad I can view your beautiful blog~perfectly again :)

NinjaW234 said...

I like the new blog. This place will be missed. Nice trellis there.

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